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Sunday, 22 April 2012

28 week Pregnancy Update

Well 28 weeks today crazy!  12 weeks until baby is due and 9 weeks until I am classed as full term.

My bump is only a little one I think.  I am hoping they measure me when I go to the hospital on Thursday I am sure if there is a problem they will let me know maybe scan to check baby is growing ok.  I do like not having a massive bump though I must admit.  I have been pregnant so many times the novelty of a big bump is just not appealing lol.

Baby is still moving regular so thats a good sign.  Plus my appetite seems to have picked up a little and I seem to be able to eat a little more.  A new thing that is happening though is I am waking in the night for the loo.  Only once a night so far but I am sure that will get more frequent, I hate that because I sort of lie there thinking  "I need a wee I need  a wee " instead of just getting up and going straight away.  Very silly I know as it does mean I am awake for longer.

A baby pack I won arrived and it has in some great items including some Tommee Tippee video monitors , made up because monitors was on the list of things I did need to get.  I also won some cloth nappies I am starting to wonder whether I might give them a bash again this time as it would save loads if I could get along with them.  I think I will try the three that I have won and see how things go and then if I like them I will get a set of them.

In each of my pregnancies my back has been terrible and last time it completely locked up and I couldn't move for about a week.  But its so great this time that even my back is ok.  Its mad my 6th pregnancy and so far I think my best , when I say best I mean symptom free how weird?

Right this week with baby >>>

Your baby weighs a little more than 1kg and may measure up to 38cm from top to toe. At about this time, she can open her eyes and turn her head in your uterus (womb) if she notices a continuous, bright light shining from the outside. She's getting used to blinking her eyes, which now have eyelashes. 

Her fat layers are continuing to form and her bones are nearly developed, though they are still soft and pliable. Her bones won’t harden properly until after she's born. 


Right I will leave a picture of my little bump and see what you think small or ok? x

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